Donation of 901,800,000 Kyats (Eq. USD 678,045) by the MPBSMA, YRCCI (Yangon Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry) and their members for the purchase of COVID-19 Vaccination.
Together with the initial deposits by Myanmar Pulses, Beans and Sesame Seeds Merchants Association and Yangon Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Bayint Naung Commodity Depot), our Association members have made generous donation of 901,800,000 Kyats (Nine Hundred and one thousand eight hundred thousand Kyats) to the Bank Account (Account Number OA013733 of Myanma Economic Bank) of the Fund Management Sub-Committee for COVID-19 Vaccination Fund formed under the National-Level Central Committee on Prevention, Control and Treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
As such, we would like to share our merits with everyone and we would like to sincerely wish all the people in Myanmar for overcoming of COVID-19 pandemic and other diseases.